3Arena in Dublin, Ireland

On my recent visit to Dublin, Ireland, I had tickets to a Bob Dylan concert. That concert took place at the historic 3Arena.

This arena is nestled by Dublin Bay. Since it's so close to the port, there's a bustle of businesses. It was situated right next to a mall as well.

I didn't have a vehicle in my time in Ireland, so I was constrained to travel by foot. It was a solid hour and a half walk from where I was staying.

I utilized my time as best as I could by taking a scenic walking tour of downtown Dublin before finding my way over to 3Arena for the Bob Dylan concert.

Along the way, I stopped at a restaurant and had a traditional Irish meal.

I made sure that I had plenty of time to get to the arena, since I wasn't sure how lines would form. It was my first concert in a foreign country.

I got there a few hours early and lines were already beginning to be formed. I asked around and eventually found the correct line on the outside of the building. An hour and a half before the concert was set to begin, they let us in.

Since 3Arena was remodeled within the last decade, everything is essentially new. There are spots set up selling merchandise as well as concessions. I found some Bob Dylan memorabilia and made my way to my seat.

Every seat in the arena has a great view of the stage. Obviously, some seats are better than others. When I found out that Bob Dylan would be on tour when I was in Dublin, I ordered my tickets. I got the best seats available at the time. The seats weren't all that great, but I had a good enough view.

It was a wonderful experience. No band(s) before Dylan, it was just him.

After it was all over, I found my way out and headed back to the Airbnb I was staying at.

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