Crater Lake National Park

Crater Lake National Park is the park that I can't get out of my mind. It's absolutely breathtaking. It's the stuff dreams are made of.

Located in Oregon, USA, Crater Lake National Park is nestled amongst a massive forest.

I first heard about this park from a friend and his wife who were traveling around the country in a bus, visiting every national park. I would follow their travels every week on Instagram.

When they posted pictures of Crater Lake National Park, I couldn't believe my own eyes. So, I decided that on my next trip to Oregon, I would travel to the park and see it for myself.

My relatives own a houseboat in Oregon, and as it just so happened, they had planned to go to that very park during our houseboating week. So, we packed up the cars and left Lake Billy Chinook to go to Crater Lake National Park for the day.

When you get to the crater, you will see some of the bluest water in the entire world. It's a remnant of a destroyed volcano - Mount Mazama. At its deepest point, its close to 2,000 feet deep. The rim is around 7,000-8,000 feet tall. The crater is filled entirely from rain water and snow melt.

You can drive all the way around the crater. You'd think that getting out and taking pictures of the crater itself would get old, but it doesn't. We found ourselves stopping at nearly every opportunity.

You'll also see a few boats out on the water. You can pay to go to a small island close to the West side of the crater, but I'm not sure that that's worth it.

There's also a gift shop and restaurant near the entrance. It's the perfect way to spend the day - as long as you're within day-tripping distance.

I will never forget the majesty of this beautiful crater lake.

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