Central Oregon Bungee Adventures

On a recent trip to Central Oregon, I took the opportunity to do something that had always been on my bucket list: bungee jumping.

It wasn't something that was planned, but I knew that when the opportunity arose - I had to take it.

I was houseboating with some family and friends on Lake Billy Chinook when the friends wanted to take a half day trip to Central Oregon Bungee Adventures. It was relatively close to the lake, so I decided to go with the group.

Central Oregon Bungee Adventures is set up on one of several bridges all in a row. It's a bridge that isn't in service anymore.

When you get there, you have to sign a waiver and go through some safety training.

Then, you wait your turn and watch as people either fearlessly jump off or reluctantly slip off the edge.

There are several different ropes set up and are used based on the weight of the person jumping.

I was the last of my group to go. After being outfitted with straps and a helmet, I made my way to the edge.

The guys there did a countdown from five, and I lifted up my arms and took the plunge.

What a rush.

My instinct to live immediately kicked in and I began to do what I was later told was "swimmer's regret." Basically, my arms and legs began flailing uncontrollably as if I were trying to swim out of the situation.

After the initial bounce at the bottom, the momentum carries you almost all the way back up again to the top. It's just as exhilarating the second time and every subsequent time after that.

When you finally level out, you are pulled back up by motor as you gaze at the incredible view below. The view is a river as the bridge straddles a small canyon.

You can opt to pay for video and/or photos. They let customers take their own videos, but you have to do it from much further away - away from their setup. Their quality is much better, and I highly recommend their services.

This is certainly something that I will never do again, but it was something that I had to cross of my bucket list. It was certainly worth it.

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