Utah Lake

Utah Lake is an incredible lake. Besides the Great Salt Lake, it's easily the most recognizable lake in the entire state. That is because of its size.

While not seemingly that large in size compared to the Great Salt Lake, it is on the outskirts of a dozen or so extremely populous cities.

It goes from Spanish Fork all the way around on the other side to Saratoga Springs. In fact, I currently live a mere 300 yards from Utah Lake.

I often find myself walking near the lake or driving by since I live so close.

Now, most lakes are a lot of fun in the summer, but Utah Lake is also a lot of fun in the winter. You see, despite its large size - at its deepest point it's only around five-feet deep.

This means that it freezes very quickly in the winter. Combined with snowfall - it makes for some great pictures.

But yes, Utah Lake is fun in the summer. Be careful though - there have been reports of the algae becoming so toxic that humans haven't been allowed to get in the water.

When you are able, though, it's fun to go boating - or, my personal favorite, paddleboarding.

There's also a Utah Lake festival in the summer where several companies set up booths where you can get free gear and learn about their companies while also participating in water activities on the lake.

All said, I have many great memories on this lake and it's worth a visit or two if you're ever in the area - no matter the time of year.

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