Snot Rocket

Growing up, my family would occasionally go on vacations.

It's difficult traveling places with a family of seven, but we did manage to see a lot of the country and visit several places that I'll never forget.

But we never travelled out of the country (with the exception of crossing the Canadian border at Niagara Falls).

The thought never really even crossed my mind to travel internationally. I never imagined that it could become a passion of mine.

I remember reading in textbooks about all of the various famous places throughout the world - the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Eiffel Tower, the Giza Pyramids, etc. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think that I would see these places in person.

In fact, if it hadn't have been for friends who persuaded me to go with them on my first trip to Europe, this website would have never been started (and I'd probably have a lot more money saved instead of spent on travel).

I'm so glad that I have decided to travel. To see the world. To visit the most famous (and not-so-famous) sites throughout the globe.

This all brings me back to my first car, affectionately named the Snot Rocket.

I mean, just look at the color of it in the picture above. It's slight difficult to tell, but it was snot green - both inside and out.

Now, it wasn't the most robust vehicle, but it got me places.

It allowed me to travel when I wanted wherever I wanted. It instilled in me the first step I needed to become the globetrotter I am today.

Learning about travel and then ultimately experiencing it is literally a dream come true of mine.

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