Spanish Fork Canyon

There's a lot to do in Spanish Fork Canyon.

Living in Utah has afforded me the opportunity to visit this particular canyon on multiple occasions.

It was within jogging distance of my old apartment, so I ran past and through there several times.

There are so many different trails around the entrance and throughout the canyon itself. I've hiked on the majority of them.

Each and every hike allows me to see the beautiful Spanish Fork valley clear down to the Southern-most point of Utah Lake.

I remember on one particular hike I was making my way up through the canyon itself when I stumbled upon a cave, as seen in the picture below.

The next day, I came back with a headlamp, a camera and some friends. We ventured through as far as we could through the cave.

It took us a few hours. Mostly due to there being lots of climbing up and down while inside of the cave.

It was a memorable experience that I won't likely forget soon. I have several dozen other great memories associated with the Spanish Fork Canyon and that's why I'll continue to hike and explore through it for years to come.

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