American Fork Canyon

Living in Utah provides me with countless opportunities to drive a short distance and be able to discover a brand new hike or waterfall.

This was exactly what happened when I visited the American Fork Canyon.

There is so much to see in this particular canyon. There are caves, hikes, waterfalls, campsites, parks, etc. The list goes on. American Fork Canyon has it all.

It should be noted before I go too much further, that it does cost money to enter the canyon because it is part of a national forrest. The fee is not much, though.

I honestly don't remember exactly where the photograph above was taken. I remember that on this particular day, I set out to just explore.

I was hiking along a random trail for 10-15 minutes when I came upon this waterfall.

That's the beauty of American Fork Canyon. If you set out to find the unexpected, that's exactly what you'll get.

It's a treat to be able to pretty much go any way that you feel and be able to find something like this.

You can plan to spend an entire day exploring in this canyon, or choose to spend just an hour or two. The results will be the same.

If you ever get a chance, I would highly recommend a visit to American Fork Canyon.

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