Moulin Rouge

Moulin Rouge - no, I'm not talking about the 2001 movie starring Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor. I'm talking about Moulin Rouge the actual location.

For those who don't know, yes - it is a real place. And yes, the movie is based on it.

For those looking to find and visit Moulin Rouge for themselves - it's located in Paris, France.

And, lucky for me, it was just a 10 minute walk from my Airbnb house. I headed there with a friend on my very last day in Paris.

I had little to no expectations. Honestly, I just wanted to go there because I recognized the name and had seen the movie. I had no intentions of staying very long.

If you're going there, don't look away for too long or you might miss it altogether. It's really not that big of a place. You could easily pass it in a car without noticing it.

When I found the place, it was early in the morning. Not a whole lot was going on at the time when I was there. I simply took some pictures and wandered around for a while.

I couldn't help but feel the mystical nature of the place and could only imagine what the area was like at night - when it shines.

I'd love to hear your experiences there if you've been able to stop by past dark. As for me, I enjoyed the experience that I was able to have there - even if it only was in the daytime.

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