Barcelona Metro

I love the metro system. It doesn't matter the city it's in. I think metros are an extremely convenient way of getting around larger cities on a budget.

I want to talk a little bit about my love of the metro. To do so, I'll focus on one metro system in particular - mostly because it's likely the one that I've used the most - the Barcelona metro.

When traveling to Barcelona, the metro makes it very easy to navigate.

I traveled to Barcelona by bus from the nearby city of Girona. Once I arrived, I quickly found the metro station from the bus stop.

What's great about metro systems is that all of the normal tourist destinations are easily located and named (for the most part). I remember a metro stop in Lisbon, Portugal for the Lisbon Zoo. It was perfect to find the zoo so close to the metro station.

When booking a metro ticket, there are normally several options. You can get a single-ride pass or multiple-day pass. Some passes last for an hour or some for 24 hours. You just have to determine how many times and when you will be riding the metro in order to save the most money. Just do a little math and you'll save money in the end.

I loved using the metro in Barcelona because it is such an expansive city. There's so much to see. Don't get me wrong, I love walking and when traveling I usually walk a ton, but the metro is extremely helpful to me because it helps me cover so much more ground.

Back to Barcelona. I used my metro ticket to get from the Gaudi parks over to La Sagrada Familia and everywhere in between.

I would highly recommend everyone use the metro when visiting larger cities - especially. However, no matter the size of the city, metros are an extremely convenient and affordable way of travel.

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